Idiot Box Cat : Merry Fuckin' Christmas

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Fuckin' Christmas

   Hey, Merry fucking Christmas to everybody out there, wherever you are. This is a motherfucker now, cause if you're +18 like me, then you probably know how I feel about Christmas now. Yeah, because now you have to buy shit. That's right! buy presents for everybody now, see how shit takes a fucking turn on your ass from a kid to a grown up.

Yeah, this shit fucking sucks, I know.

But yeah guys, happy holidays and shit, so hope you enjoy your fucking eggnog and your Christmas cookies, and for those who have like boyfriends and girlfriends and shit, yeah... you're gonna have an awkward family dinner with their parents and relatives and shit, and like you're probably the only one there that doesn't wanna feel like an asshole while everybody is saying grace or opening up their presents.

but for rest of us, we share the same fate, but with people we know all our lives, so it just gets crummier as the years go by, cause if you motherfuckers decide to have children, then they become a staple of your whole world, so you know what that means....

More money coming outta your pockets to turning it into tangible gifts that they will break or have problems with 5 months down the road.

Oh yeah, and i know Introvert was suppose to come out last week on thursday, and i said that it'll come out this thursday, but i really don't know if it's gonna come out, so i will just post it up
whenever I finish it, so yeah...

Merry fuckin' Christmas.

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